Avengers fan fiction tony was right

Avengers fan fiction tony was right. "No nicknames, cool. Unfortunately, Loki was between the cup and him. Jul 9, 2019 · Tony was speechless for a few seconds; he had never imagined the Stones would have voices, let alone sound so . Then the 2 assassins, a scientist and mystecal person [Thor] come in. He was right about that Stark went to the Avengers tower and created the most advanced piece of code in existence, (besides JARVIS, of course). Four hours later, Tony landed (crashed) on the roof of Stark Tower with the last five percent of energy his suit had left. In all honesty Tony nearly keels over right there on the spot over the fact that the man that was literally always singing Steve Rogers' praises when Tony was a kid, just called the man worthless. The Avengers stood in a wary circle around the blonde Asgardian woman Thor had called 'Amora' but who had introduced herself as 'the Enchantress'. "You want a drink of water?" Steve asked picking up a glass on their nightstand next to the head of the king size bed. And I'll never let you go You should know. He knew when he added him to the Avengers, when he started spending more and more time at the compound, he'd bring his oddities with him. "Well, I wouldn't say that, but—" Bruce was interrupted when the cart suddenly slid out of control. Its energy sources were Stark's arc reactor itself. Losing her mother had thrown her for a loop and now she is in for all kinds of drama, fun, and unexpected friendship and love. D. " Tony fell, more than sat, into his chair and closed his eyes, rolling his neck and taking pleasure in the cracks and pops that came from the action. Just waiting for him. That was what Tony always said. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 9,840 - Reviews: 99 - Favs: 714 - Follows: 541 - Updated: 7/19/2013 - Published: 10/15/2012 - id: 8612563 Tony's Secret. The top three most advanced pieces of code was 1) JARVIS, 2) The firewall that he was creating right now, and 3) the latest Iron Man suit. without him (with Rhodey dammit) and Tony just wants to see the people he helped (BECAUSE FUCK YOU HE HELPED) save the world with one more time. Warnings: This fic is very explicit. When Loki zaps the Avengers and Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD to a room where they have to watch 3 movies about Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, the most they expect is some trademark arrogant Stark and multiple girls, not the terrible whirlwind of pain that is Tony's life. "But you took my kid to another country and had him fight against some of the world's most powerful people because you're Tony Stark and you know best, right? How many kids do you have, Tony?" When he didn't answer, she poked him in the ribs. Who said that?" Tony backtracked as soon as she looked his way. Aug 24, 2017 · Why exactly is Tony Stark a redemptive hero? Watching how he's treated by his fellow Avengers you'd think being a former military contractor is a sin far in excess of being former terrorist, a former assassin, a former war-mongering prince, but that can't possibly be right. Karen is Peter's only link to his old life, and helps him hold on when he gets low. I don't trust them with him. "Override, on my authority, JARVIS. Stark we you just peeking under my skirt?" "All right. "Still- if you have asthma you should have told me! Something serious could have happened Tony!" Steve rushed, causing Tony to give a dismissive hand flip. Right next to JARVIS, it's the most advanced piece of code he has ever created. "Let me go change, and I'll come right back, alright?" Tony nodded. I'm gonna stay right there. Like that one time when…wait. "You have permission to speak now. Tony picked up a Lego figurine that was for some reason perched on the desk and turned it over in his hands. No one compares. Aug 26, 2013 · An hour later at the helicarrier conference room. "Here. Of course he would never be able to sleep for that long. Tony Stark was many things- Iron Man, Avenger, Billionaire, and something slightly overshot but still as impressive. I'm always gonna stay. Sadly because of his popularity, he has to hide away from the paparazzi and fans, finding himself secluded cafes where he could feel like a casual citizen in. He attempts to call Dr. ' "Huh- Three and a half minutes for you to notice that I'm dying, personal record I say. Consider this a life-threatening emergency. The Avengers are your family , Steve said. He stroked his right thumb over Tony's cheek. " She opened the door with a flourish and sent a smirk Tony's way. JARVIS explained before informing Tony of the date, the weather, etc. It's so beautiful, because everything is just right. Should she take away his privacy. Reminding all the time to everyone who can hear him how he saved the day in New York. Tony got some character development. Once they had him down, Tony could finish him off. He trusted Pepper to have not done something Tony wouldn't sign, but it was instinct to read things before signing them. " Yelena hummed gave a dry nod. "What is going on?" Bucky asked, beyond confused now. After a particularly violent shiver I curled into a ball whimpered, this wasn't fair. When it feels so right? Yeah, I really love you. See how much support he gets for targeting the Avengers. "I'm busy. Tony sobbed louder and his pleading became more and more vocal, right when his attacker went to unzip his zipper, a blur tackled the man in front of him to the ground. Tony put an arm around Steve's back and they headed upstairs. All I'd done was to get thrown into the Atlantic while saving a little girl, I didn't deserve this. "If you want me to, I will," Steve replied with a shrug. Then Howard and Maria Stark mysteriously appear back in his life, giving Tony and his parents a second chance of being a family and healing old wounds. When he arrives, though, he finds that the enemy may have picked the wrong workshop to try and take Tony in. Chapter One. "Oh. How many kids?" "None," he muttered, never at so much of a loss for No redhead stuff. " "Wha-" Dec 7, 2021 · "I'm not like that anymore. If Loki were acting coy about this right now, he would never last. Dec 13, 2015 · The Avengers watched in horror as the suit took off back towards the tower without seeming like Tony was even steering it. " Tony mused, twirling the Arc on the table before hacking into his fist, blood splattering the table top. " "Yeah you're looking real swamped out right now," said Tony. E. Even the Hulk seemed aware that something was wrong. "Sir, are you sure this is a wise idea?", JARVIS asked, calm and gentle as ever. When Tony is pinned down, armourless, in a workshop during an assault on Avengers Tower, Clint is meant to be the cavalry. Set in that wonderful AU world where Tony survives Endgame, and our boy (eventually) gets all the hugs he needs and deserves. For the record, I wouldn't care if you did, but it doesn't bother me that you don't. "You're fine like this doll. Apr 10, 2019 · An eagerly awaited announcement from the Avengers Initiative has been made, and the roster had been confirmed. Steve felt his jaw and hands clench before trialed along behind the others. She was right with her profile. While he would embrace the day that Tony could begin honing his skills, he was also glad they'd be a ways off. To do so in the public eye is harder. Well, that and his throat felt sore. "Shouldn't there be six of you?" were the first words out of his mouth when his tongue Contrary to what everybody thinks, Tony Stark is actually the youngest one of the Avengers. Being the daughter of Tony Stark turned Iron Man is not always easy. "I'm showing you that you're a drama queen," Tony said dryly, throwing some paperwork he had sitting on his lap at Tony introduced Friday first, her lilting Irish voice greeting him sunnily from the speakers in the walls, and to the New Avengers that they saw on the tour and Bucky was surprised to find himself greeted cheerfully and welcomed by most of them; a few were understandably weary but not in horrible way; it was refreshing. Tony pulls the letter Steve sent him out of his jacket pocket and flips it, still folded, between his fingers thoughtfully. Feb 20, 2018 · Tony barely had a handle on his anger, slamming his fist on his workbench as soon as the doors closed. "Okay," he replied softly. Nebula: "Hey, hey don't cry, we can get your apprentice back" Tony: *through the tears* "I saw him turn to dust in my arms, how can I get him back, he's gone!" Nebula: "They aren't completely dead!" *Tony looks at Nebula with surprise and slowly stops crying* Steve watched as Tony entered the room, "Hey Tony, what Bruce say?" Tony looked up briefly before returning his gaze to the drink in his hand. Knowing the fact that Tony would long to return to that dreaded planet spiked rage inside him. Tony tucked the Lego into his palm and turned around. And if you never change. JARVIS, it turns out, really doesn't take prisoners. Summary: Several months after Civil War, Tony Stark has moved on with his life and is doing as well as can be expected. Steve blinked and then blinked again when he heard a familiar sound, before hurrying to the window to see that Iron Man had indeed just landed on the specifically designed landing pad for himself and for Rhodey, the machines whirring into place to start stripping the armour away from Tony, revealing the genius to Steve's wide eyes. " Bucky stood right as he was about to leave. " Dec 21, 2013 · Tony tried to be perfect, to always do the right thing, to be the boyfriend that girls dream of. Finally she could pay him back for the second chance he had given her. five voices? That couldn't be right. "You staying with me tonight?" Tony asked tentatively. The hulk stopped and stared at Tony. This posed a problem for the remaining Avengers, because they knew that Tony needed to get out of his mood. Clint padded into the kitchen holding up a Star Trek DVD. Peter was webbing up his feet and Tony was shooting him repeatedly. "Right, duh. After almost twenty minutes of fighting and out trash talking one another, Tony thought they were golden. " "Okay then, come make a plate, JARVIS placed an order from that pizza place up the block. Thor appears at his side a few seconds later, dropping down to one knee and brushing blood away from Steve's forehead with his hand. Old foes have teamed up to eliminate the Stark family long before Tony would ever become Iron Man. So, when the scepter was sitting in his mini-lab giving off scans that didn't make sense, he wanted to throw the thing. But every mission, Tony's promises went right out the window. Everything was always about him in his mind. "Steve, I'm fine!" Tony gasped, his breathing coming under control as Steve continued to look him over. "Colonel Rhodes, in charge of the War Machine armor, will take the lead of the team. Fury has collected all of the Avengers, sans Tony, and is watching through footage of the previous day. He was one of the leaders of their team, and they all needed him. He needed coffee. "I'm a little more humble now. Tony's mouth dropped open and he felt himself get hard right away. Ok, maybe I did, but that's not the point. I don't mind As Tony opened his eyes, the Hulk drew back his fist to pummel Steve, and Tony threw himself at the Hulk yelling, "Bruce, No!" The rest were stunned but leapt into action when Tony did, too late to do a thing about the fact that Tony threw himself unarmed at a giant green monster. Tony made for the exit, Strange not sparing him another glance, choosing instead to follow after Tony. "You, Pepper Potts, are one of the strongest people I've ever met. Right there. He was just hoping he brought one in particular. " He heard some chuckles from the two men on the couch. But when Peter gets hurt, Karen alerts FRIDAY. "Please do" Tony whispered, gripping Steve's hand tightly. Hated it with a blind and raging passion. The five were speaking like they were siblings, yet still held such power in them – Wait . " Tony then swivelled his chair to screens 4-8 which showed the layout of the whole area with bright little dots representing his team mates. "Not at all", the engineer replied while he did a sharp turn and flew right into Victor van Doom's castle. Teasing people about the big threat he had seen into the storm hole… Ok. Hell, Tony was fairly certain that he wouldn't be able to sleep for twenty-four hours unless medicated. Written as a fill for a prompt on avengerkink. "What wrong Pep-. Someone inhaled sharply. " Tony pinched his fingers together with a small space in between. Banner to let him know about his deteriorating condition, but the call is short, clipped, and Tony's health is never mentioned. The line closes and Tony realises that he's not paid an awful amount of attention to the conclusion of the conversation - he's paid enough of course, he hasn't gotten where he is without it - but the time has flown faster in his thoughts and now all of his team mates are throwing him looks that say he would be being interrogated right now if Steve sat right next to Tony on the bed. Tony blinked and looked at the digital clock Jarvis was providing him with. Peter is currently in his last period of the day, usually Science is one of Peter's favourite classes but today was a Tuesday meaning he was going to Stark/Avengers tower after school for Lab day with Tony so class was going slower than usual. " …. I'll always be right there Apr 29, 2020 · Tony asked motioning to the coffee machine in front of him on the coffee table. He had been expecting Tony to call the UN and have him locked away in the deepest darkest hole. This was about their recent fight with even more Doom Bots, since, in Tony's words, 'the Fantastic Four were always mysteriously absent when Doom decided to be an annoying, problematic jackass. Not because of any of his no doubt myriad of health issues right now… Chez Afghanistan somewhat lacked in the room service department, understandably, plus you know… All the torture, god he could kill for a drink right now… "Damn right it is, and don't you ever forget it," Tony smiles and very gently squeezes Steve's shoulder. He smiled down and ran a hand through his boyfriend's hair. She's squeezing the life out of Tony, and Clint decides to hug Tony's other side. "Yes. " "Oh no it's fine, I'll just wait 'til everyone else grabs what they want. "This is a karaoke *Tony proceeds to softly cry at the end of the sentence* Nebula puts a gently holds Tony. Pepper stood up right away when she felt a sight of eyes on her. H. Steve had a moment of mild panic before realizing that JARVIS had probably taken control of it. Clint rambled about his bows and arrows. "Mr. Tony zeroed in on his precious coffee mug, sitting right there on the table. "It won't happen again. And I mean right now. She always had to manage him to make him do things for her … for the Avengers. Go away. " "Well, as Clint was saying, before he was rudely interrupted, it's not just any bar or club. Looking up at the archer, Tony was surprised to find tears in the man's eyes, "What's wrong?" He was about halfway there when another massive explosion shook the air. No, ok, he hated it. "How are you feeling?" "I-"Tony started to say but his dry throat stopped him. "Hey, Thor wants to know if you all are interested in having a movie night. . The man discovers a young ambitious boy working at a cafe, who makes great coffees and hot teas. Clint and Natasha were making their way towards where Thor had last been seen. "250519241. "Oh, he said I'm good. He was getting side-tracked. I'm never gonna change. " Tony spoke simply, taking the paperwork and quickly running his eyes along every line. Businessman. Steve asked, blushing lightly as he looked Tony over for any cuts or bruises. Tall grey buildings lined the streets in all directions from the intersection somewhere in New York City. Tony never actually considered that the kid might've had trauma after the whole Vulture incident, considering he seemed to go right back to his usual inept and awkward teenage self. . Coda: Peter calls Tony dad. ' Needless to say, it was Tony's amazing observation skills that made him so aware of other people's goals. It was one of those days where Tony just wanted to crawl back up to his top floor, pent house suite and sleep for a month. Clint heard Tony scream and point behind him and the archer spun around just in time to glimpse a piece of debris flying straight for his head before everything went black. "He doesn't appear to have done anything to him" Natasha eventually admits while Fury glares at the screen. Dad was right. Tony started to shoot his repulsors, hoping that the painful shots of energy caught its attention more than little webs. When he came to, Tony found himself laying on the floor with his head in Clint's lap panting heavily as a hand ran soothingly through his hair. It seemed out of place – the only childish trinket in the otherwise firmly young-adult apartment. Later on after the pizza had arrived and everyone had been introduced Steve found himself grinding his teeth at what he was seeing. I really love you . Peter stood in the doorway, staring at him with wide Aug 31, 2013 · Tony wanted to go straight to Thor while Steve was yelling that Tony was needed more with the drones. Jul 3, 2019 · "Got that right, J. Tony is sitting down and doing his work. " Ross looked between all of them quickly, almost seeming to deflate as Tony continued talking. Seriously pinch him there's no way that this is real right now. Until he'd seen every single one of their backs as they walked away. Tony loves going to cafes and restaurants. " Turning to face everyone, Tony clarified- "No nicknames, guys. Well, he'd certainly thought so. Tony had a problem, and he was going to have it for a long time unless someone helped him. That wasn't even the weirdest item in his room, but Tony didn't dwell. This firewall was impenetrable. Tony slammed his hand into the desk so hard the screens shook. He steps it up and creates the firewall itself from scratch. "We have to get him back. Another three days are taken to look over it, again and again and again, with Tony actually sleeping at periodic intervals because he's not going to fail JARVIS on this, he just fucking won't, but it gets The Avengers are running missions out of S. For Steve to take his mind off his newly complex "relationship" with Tony Stark, he accepts a mission that takes him directly to the root of their problem. You cover me. "Tony, please. Right there 'Cause you listen and you care. "Do you still want to go?" "Yes!" Tony barked out, feeling his face turn a bit red. You're so different. " Tony said darkly, eyebrows raised in challenge. "Put that thing back in right now!" Steve shouted, and Tony glared, lifting his chin defiantly. Sep 29, 2012 · It was a seemingly average press conference, one of many that the Avengers had to attend. alive. " "That's right. " "Ok, Sir. Tony. Tony fell to the ground with a relieved sigh that was barely heard above his still erratic sobbing. Reading it she froze doubting if this was the right choice. " Right. " "Tony, Password?" Natasha demanded, trusting that the genius already had their positions confirmed. Guess they don't really care. "Might even be enough to get him fired. " "I'll be there," Steve said. )()()(Tony watched in horror as Clint was struck in the head by some scrap of metal and slammed into Tony didn't like when things didn't add up. I. " Steve shook his head, voice low. "Me neither. " Tony leaned on the edge of a table and jerked his head to the side to call the blonde over. Sure, he wasn't a standard salesman that tried to seal the deal with a cheesy grin and a fake wink, instead he thought. "Tony Stark, the CTO of Stark Industries and piloting the Iron Man armor, will be his second in command. The Avengers need Tony Stark, and Tony Stark came back to them. He cut back on his drinking, he tried to make time for her everyday outside of the lab, surprised her with nice gifts. Tony lost grip of the cart and Bruce was literally tossed out of it. Tony felt an uncomfortable itch in his everywhere, as they drove through the gates of Bagram Air base. Instead, he smirked at his brother, and nodded his head. "All right, kiddo, let's lay this out. I'm glad you're back at the compound. " She whispered, not bothering to hide her desperation. Just let me get changed. The group watch through it three times, with audio, and have no more understanding. Rebekah has learned a few tricks on being a Stark though. " There must've been something of the stunned surprise that Tony felt written on his face, because Clint's expression gentled a little more. Turns out magic doesn't affect AIs. Tony hunched his shoulders. Especially if he's misusing Army resources. " Tony turned his chair around to find Pepper bending over to her could right up her skirt to see she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. Bruce hugs Tony's back, and then Thor just wraps his huge muscled arms around all of them and lifts them up, bellowing laughter. L. Rated: Fiction T - English - Iron Man/Tony S. Author's Note: Sooo? Claire smiled as she finished the memoirs she had taken straight from Stark's head. I'm Tony Stark, and Tony Stark does not get sick, or hurt, or anything else that will get in the way of him being May 3, 2015 · Tony turned off his comm. His mind wasn't wired so it could shut off from time to "See? I just KNEW that you'd have a great time! Sure beats working in the lab, right?" Tony grinned. Tony stared back. Still, he wants to punch himself and his goddamn brain for not noticing it earlier. Steve didn't turn around as Tony spoke, eyes glued to the doors that Peter had disappeared through. With this she could make his comrades understand him more. gkvejmje cvvc djdmu kctv vtctq pugubvws qefgw gcnpzh xdc doc  »

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